Saturday Classes
Saturday Classes are for learners from 4 - 18 years old. Students can be from Chinese or non-Chinese background. Homework feedback and reports for each student are frequently updated, and teacher-parent conferences are held every semester for effective communication. Our teachers are friendly, qualified, and experienced.
To meet our teachers, click here

Our Saturday classes provide a full range of subjects: Chinese, Art, Science, Mathematics, Coding, Robotics, Chess and Drama.
Each class follows a well-structured course format, and textbooks and workbooks are assigned to each student to assist their learning.
To learn more about these subjects, click here

Online and face-to-face classes are both available for our Saturday classes. Online classes are delivered through interactive online platforms, where students and teachers can teach and learn remotely. For both styles, class numbers are kept small so teachers and students can have maximum communication time. For more information on our class styles, click here

Our friendly teachers and course advisor can help you to choose your classes through stress-free placement evaluation; trial lessons are also available.
On Saturdays we have supervision for students between their classes, where they can complete homework in a safe environment while they wait for their next class to begin.